Local Bee Swarm Collectors in Shropshire, England - Find Bee Swarm Removal Services

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Please note: this page is for honey bee swarm collection only, the people listed on this page are bee keepers and do not deal with wasps. If you have a wasp nest, please use the postcode finder on the left of the page to see which wasp controller covers your area, or you can view our county listings by selecting your county from the drop down box.

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Swarm Collectors in the Shropshire area of England

Andy Pearce

07856 112 707
I will collect bee swarms from a ten mile radius of Shrewsbury.


01939 210 862
07754 755 188
Phone for free advise about any bee related problem swarms collection SHREWSBURY and WEM areas. I am a qualified beekeeper and experienced in removing bees safely just leave it to me. bees will be rehomed. I usually leave you a free jar of honey with a successful swarm collection. all this for free.

Peter Hampson

07972 595 176
Will collect swarms between Telford and Shrewsbury.

Eric Martin

01547 520 569
Situated on the Welsh Border near Knighton. Will collect within ten mile radius.

Simon Woolgrove

01691 657 641
07818 091 488
Will collect swarms within 10 mile radius of Oswestry. Will need your ladder if they are high up.

Martyn Price

01939 210 862
07512 062 468
Free swarm collection and advice 12 miles radius of Shrewsbury.

Charlotte Price

01691 770 628
07515 516 016
Located near Chirk, North Shropshire happy to collect and home swarms in a 10 mile radius.

Steve Shuff

07581 288 856
Experienced beekeeper available for swarm collections throughout Shropshire. No call out fee. Fully insured.

Trisha Marlow

07812 518 822
Experienced swarm collector available 24/7 to collect bee swarms Shrewsbury & S Shropshire all areas (also Welshpool/Montgomery). Insured and competent. Happy to advise on bumble bees etc.